Philemon 1:1 ¶ Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer.
You must understand where Paul is coming from. We now have a man that has converted to True Christianity. But before he had put Christians through so much turmoil and strife, jail, death, and stoning as we remember Stephen. "Saul was consenting unto his death" Acts 8:1 And now we see that Paul which was the persecutor.
Is become the prisoner.
Now what does that mean?
1 You must give up all rights.
(We must give up our will as did Jesus)
2 You must wear the uniform of the prisoner.
(There shouldn't be any doubt about who rules your life by the outward appearance)
3 We as prisoners of Jesus Christ cannot do, say, act, or live our way any more
(We are now bought with a Price, ? We must glorify God and not ourselves)
4 Lastly we need to be Humble prisoners.
(To be a humble servant of God is not always easy but it's right,
Oh to have a heart after God.
In order to be strong we must first be week. And in order to be free we must be willing to be a prisoner.
Be a prisoner for Christ today...
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