Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Thanks for viewing my blog.

Thanks for viewing my blog.

Last night I had the wonderful opportunity to teach college. Not something I do all the time as a matter of fact this was the first and only time that a pastor asked me to do it. But I had a great time.

The subject was the Pastor and his problems. And the lesson was on the Antagonist.
(Antagonist- a constant thorn in the flesh; one who is constantly contending with others.) As I was doing the study I discovered that their were a few antagonist in my life. And as I always say, you can't complain about them if your not praying for them.
But that isn't all that I learned.

I am so thankful for that opportunity to teach. As we well know that deputation is a time for learning, praying, and trusting.

May God bless you as you learn, pray and trust in Him today.

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