Today I have learned my lesson. My teacher was my daughter. I learned that it's not always easy to trust your father but that when you do you are able to enjoy the trip a whole lot more.
This morning my little girl didn't want me to go up to my office, so I asked if she wanted to go with me and she nodded in agreement. Hanna will turn two on the 22nd of this month, so she is at the age, where she doesn't want to be carried she want to walk (praise the Lord I thought she never would get to this age).
Well we have a very steep ramp which goes off of the porch and into the garage, which Hanna is afraid of. I took her hand and said daddy's got you come on she just stood there studying the ramp as if it were a bull ready to buck her off.... Finally I was able to coach her into taking a step but she still wasn't very sure about it. But with each step her confidence was growing and she knew that I indeed, had her the whole time.
Spiritual Application: Sometimes in our lives God asks us to do things that we are unsure of. Then he takes our hand and tells us I will never leave you nor forsake you, but we like sheep are still very unsure of the whole thing. But with each step it gets easier and easier to trust Him. I don't want God to carry me through all of life's difficulties I want him to lead me through them so that when the time comes for me to put full trust in Him I will know, know, know the he has "had me all the way"

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