Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dark Places

Devotions 3/12/09

Reading Lamentations 1-5

3:6 He hath set me in dark places! This verse declares that God actually allows you to go through dark times in your life to further you walk with Him. In the day that Jeremiah lived I am sure it looked like there was no hope just like some of life's situations. Things may look impossible but we must always remember that God is still in control of all things.

Purposes for being set in a dark place:

  1. To Mature you in the Lord
  2. To make you useable
  3. To allow your light to shine in the dark
  4. Etc…

Paul and Silas found themselves in a dark place and in the end God got the glory and they went free

Daniel found himself in a dark place and in the end God got the glory and he went free

The three Hebrew children found themselves in a dark place and in the end God got the glory and they were promoted.

Elijah found himself in the cave (dark place) and in the end God got the glory and he went free

Has God put you in a dark place? If he has do all that you can to give Him the glory for what He is doing in your life.

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