Monday, March 16, 2009

Happy St. Pat's

A note from my wife's blog....Happy St. Patrick's Day

Kenneth came home today! Hey!!! Lord willing he wont be going on any more trips without me any time soon.

Did you know that Patrick of Ireland didn't really drive out all the snakes but he WAS a great missionary for the Lord? Recently I read a very interesting article about him in Baptist Vision. According to history, during his ministry, thousands came to know the Lord and Ireland (and the world) continues to remember him today. The Catholic church has claimed him, of course, but truthfully he was a really missionary hero!

Snapped this picture recently in the yard. Hanna & I (at least Hanna's toes) say, "Happy St. Patrick's Day!"

1 comment:

Travis Snode said...

This article on St. Patrick might shed some more light on who he really was: